8 email marketing experts paint a picture of email in 2030

8 email marketing experts paint a picture of email in 2030

Here, 8 Mailchimp partners and email marketing experts share their insights and predictions!

If I look to the last decade, there isn’t much changed. We still use webdesign techniques from 1995 for building mailings. However, the content is shifted. Mails are more personlized to the ‘needs’ of the receiver. At this moment we’re on the doorstep of personalization but grows rapidly. 
In 2030 mailings still is one of the greatest tool for direct selling. There will be more integration with online Ads, Social Media and other platforms. Streaming video inside a mailing would be very nice. And maybe… just maybe… we change from xhtml to html ;-)
Nick Beuzekamp
CEO and Founder
Online Marketing Bonaire
Email Marketing Campaigns - Mailchimp Partner Bonaire - Dutch Caribbean
I predicted some time ago in our 'Future of email' guide that the 'create, send and view' experience would be within one place. Mailchimp and other ESPs will create their own email inboxes, to counter the limitations of Gmail and Outlook, and enable email marketers to design fully-HTML supported emails.
Doug Dennison
CEO & Co-founder

More interactivity, so that every message becomes an actionable interface; and hopefully a greater willingness to respect the time and attention of the readers, not only because of legal privacy concerns but because companies finally understand that spam doesn’t pay.
Alessandra Farabegoli
Digital Strategist, Co-Founder
Digital Update and Freelancecamp Italia
In 2030 social media has been regulated and email is still the most direct, private and effective way to communicate with your customers.
Glenn Edley
Director & Email Strategist

Having survived the hail firestorms and alien dinosaur invasions from 2020, 2030 will showcase a new level of email technology wonder. AMP became a standard for email just 3 years earlier, and today email marketers create campaigns with enhanced personalization and the ability for custom, two-way feedback as part of standard course. Custom coding is now obsolete, as email clients are optimized to follow industry guidelines set in 2029, thus allowing all ESPs to offer WYSIWYG builders with unlimited design options. In a stunning turn, Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer have been banned from all computer operating systems, including Windows 32.
MaryAnn Pfeiffer
Digital Marketing Strategist

Email has been around a long time. It hasn't really changed that much. So I don't think pure email will change that much. With people using platforms like Slack and Facebook I think we'll go much more platform-centric in our communication and use email for more important conversations from businesses and colleagues. I also think we'll have a platform or app that puts all our communication in one place. Facebook, Slack, email, Twitter, Messenger, etc will all "land" in one place to make it easy to see all of your communication at once.
Amy Hall
Email Marketing Strategist and Certified Mailchimp Partner and Consultant

The world of email changes so fast, so it's crazy to think what 10 years could bring! There will be more AI, automation, graphics designed for you, etc. Creating an email will be super easy. Testing will be easier. I can't wait to see what the future holds for email marketing.
Emily Ryan
Co-Founder and Email Strategist

Fully automated 100% personalized messaging driven by artificial intelligence. Batch and blast will be long expired and email will be a direct result of your behaviors, history, preferences, and interests.
Adam Q. Holden-Bache
Director of Email Marketing